My First Ever Blog Post. Take Two.

So I started a blog a couple of years ago, 2 years, 1 week and 3 days ago in fact, It was my first ever one and I didn’t really know why I was doing it, what my aim was or actually what to write about at all, (I’m not saying that I have all the answers now either, I’m afraid). But what I do know, is that the first time around, I was just out of university, stints of work experience were underway and then, out of nowhere, I landed myself a busy and fantastic full-time job, and, if I’m honest, life got in the way.

So, 2 years, 1 week and 3 days have passed and my full-time job, all the people I’m lucky enough to meet, the responsibilities I take on, the many experiences I have had as well as the brilliant blogs I get to read every day have all made me realise that blogging needs to become a part of your busy life, rather than a chore outside of it, and that’s something I’ll try to remember.


2013 has been a year of new things for me – which I’m sure I’ll come to talk about. So, this blog is number 30 on my list of new things and I hope I’m sure it will give me as much pleasure as the 29 other new things I’ve thrown myself into so far.

Reason number one for my starting of a blog is because I love writing. I’ve always had a keen interest in English, I went on to study Creative Writing & Media Writing at Derby University, and I now work in PR, Marketing & Communications. I love language, I love how a combination of words can evoke emotions and I find writing very therapeutic too.

Reason number two is that, not always, but sometimes, I have a tendency to do silly things where I get so comfortable in certain scenarios that my brain forgets to work and likes to fuel me into hilarious or particularly awkward situations. And, I figured, that instead of beating myself up about these, sometimes but not too often, silly moments, they’d actually make for some great stories.

And finally, there’s apparently a whole world out there called the blogosphere that I’m yet to be a part of – and I don’t much like missing out.
